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Fundamental Paper Education Miss Emily

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Fundamental Paper Education Miss Emily

Do you miss school years with the nerve-racking adventures, weird schoolmates and strict teachers? Then Fundamental Paper Education is going to bring the memories back and not only them! Receive an abundance of different emotions while exploring the facility, looking for life-saving test papers.

Gameplay Fundamental Paper Education

Step into the shoes of Claire, a student of the infamous Paper School, who infuriated one of the teachers and is now facing the consequences. Solve all the tests that you have failed once again and achieve better results to calm down the professors and get out of this place alive.

However, to pass the quizzes in Fundamental Paper Education, you need to find them first! Investigate the school, searching the classes and bypassing dangerous encounters with hostile teachers. Not only Miss Circle is looking for you with her sharp compass, but also Miss Bloomie, who presents several science exams for you to overcome.

At the same time, there are some teachers in the game, who don’t want to do any harm. Miss Emily, for example, is a rather peaceful character, who teaches history. Although she is also quite rigorous, you were lucky enough to pass her subject without any troubles, so she doesn’t participate in the chase. Thus, she won’t hurt you, if you stumble upon her.

Who else is studying in the Paper School?

Fundamental Paper Education is full of interesting personages and you will be thrilled to get to know them better. All of them have special features and excellent visual design, so you won’t forget any hero. Moreover, there are amusing peculiarities, which make them lively and unique. Miss Circle adores oreo cookies, Abbie is afraid of everything and Miss Emily hates loud noises!

Utilise these features during your pursuit to win some time, in case you accidentally get into a trap or if you want to attract somebody’s attention. Strategy in Fundamental Paper Education plays a big role, so you better calculate your performance thoroughly despite your problems with the mathematics!